How to grow your blog quickly with user generated content

How to grow your blog quickly with user generated content

April 20, 2023

Setting up your WordPress website to accept user-generated content can be done in several ways, depending on your goals and the type of content you want to accept. Here are some general steps to consider:

  1. Determine the type of content you want to accept: Before you start accepting user-generated content, it’s important to decide what kind of content you want to allow. This could be anything from blog comments to user-submitted articles or images.
  2. Install a plugin or theme that supports user-generated content: There are many plugins and themes available that make it easy to accept user-generated content. Some popular options include the “User Submitted Posts” plugin, the “WPForms” plugin, and the “BuddyPress” social network theme.
  3. Configure the plugin or theme settings: Once you’ve installed a plugin or theme that supports user-generated content, you’ll need to configure its settings to your liking. This may involve setting up submission forms, choosing how user-generated content is displayed on your site, and setting up moderation settings.
  4. Create a submission form: To make it easy for users to submit content to your site, you’ll need to create a submission form. Many plugins and themes come with pre-built forms that you can customize to fit your needs.
  5. Set up moderation: Depending on the type of content you’re accepting, you may want to set up moderation settings to review user-generated content before it’s published on your site. This can help prevent spam or inappropriate content from being displayed.
  6. Promote your user-generated content: Once you’ve started accepting user-generated content, it’s important to promote it on your site and social media channels. This can help encourage more users to contribute and increase engagement on your site.

User Submitted Posts plugin

To set up your WordPress website to accept user-generated content, you can use the “User Submitted Posts” plugin, which is a popular and simple solution. Here are the steps to install and configure the plugin:

  1. Install the “User Submitted Posts” plugin: You can do this by going to the “Plugins” section of your WordPress dashboard and searching for “User Submitted Posts.” Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Configure the plugin settings: Go to the “Settings” section of the plugin and configure the settings to your liking. You can choose the post status for user-generated posts, set up email notifications, and more.
  3. Add a submission form to your site: To add a submission form to your site, create a new page or post and use the shortcode [user-submitted-posts] in the content area. This will add a form to the page or post where users can submit their content.
  4. Customize the form: You can customize the form fields and styling using the options in the plugin settings or by adding custom CSS.

WPForms plugin

The “WPForms” plugin is a popular solution for setting up a WordPress website to accept user-generated content. Here are the steps to set it up:

  1. Install and activate the “WPForms” plugin: Go to the “Plugins” section of your WordPress dashboard, search for “WPForms,” and click “Install” and “Activate.”
  2. Create a new form: Go to the “WPForms” section of your WordPress dashboard and click “Add New.” Choose the “User Submitted Posts” template and customize it to your liking. You can add fields for the post title, content, tags, and more.
  3. Configure the form settings: Once you’ve created your form, click on “Settings” to configure the form settings. Here you can choose the post type for user-generated content, set up email notifications, and enable anti-spam protection.
  4. Add the form to your site: After you’ve configured the form settings, you’ll need to add the form to your site. You can do this by creating a new page or post and adding the WPForms block to the content area. Then select your user-submitted posts form from the dropdown.
  5. Set up moderation settings: Depending on your goals, you may want to set up moderation settings to review user-generated content before it’s published on your site. You can do this by going to the “Settings” section of the WPForms plugin and choosing the “Post Submissions” tab. Here you can choose to require approval for user-generated content before it’s published on your site.

The plugin that you choose to use is up to you, however the benefit of the User Submitted Posts plugin is that it is free to use. They make their money by donations.

By following these steps, you can set up your WordPress website to accept user-generated content and start building a vibrant community of contributors.